The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest — March 12, 2021

Hello, this is a short summary of my technological watch on this amazing domain of immersive technology in healthcare ! Rendez-vous every mid-month (in french and in english). If you want to get news in “real time”, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter and read your articles on The Patients VR & Brain Health Talk from USC SMART-VR Center […]

The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest — Decembre 20, 2020

Hello, this is a short summary of my technological watch on this amazing domain of immersive technology in healthcare ! Rendez-vous every mid-month (in french and in english). If you want to get news in “real time”, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter and read your articles on The Patients VR for Seniors: VR Initiatives for Senior Care Residents […]

The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest — July 8, 2020

The Patients La réalité mixte au service des enfants présentant des troubles du spectre de l’autisme Dans cette article, une présentation de la solution Hol’autisme de Actimage vous montrera comment la réalité augmentée peut être utiliser dans amelioration des conditions de vie des personnes autistes. Hol’Autisme est un catalogue d’applications en réalité mixte et une […]

The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest

The Patients Is Virtual Reality the ultimate empathy machine for racism? In this article Jeremy Bailenson, co-producer of 1,000 Cut Journey movie talks about the real action of VR on people behavior, especially if they are “as though they are in the body of someone else”. The Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford University and […]

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