The Augmented Reality (almost) monthly — July 8, 2019

Grégory MAUBON

Yes, it’s done, I will publish AR news monthly here … As for everyone, time is precious and I can’t spend it without goals 🙂 If you need a “faster the real time” news feed, just look at my Twitter @gmaubon

The last big event was AWE 2019 (the 10th edition!) and it takes time to see all video from the youtube channel to extract really important things. Content creation was a very interesting topic of this edition, with the way to build effective storytelling in immersive tech. Not a new subject of course but it could be time to deal with it, as the market grow not as fast as expected … By the way, find some summaries below, and let’s go with news!

Apple hires AR developers and managers as usual and doesn’t talk about glasses … for the moment. Last rumors seem to imagine a product next year, probably after WWDC 2020, but who knows 🙂 In the same time Microsoft and Google explore limits of actual AR technologies for glasses like light field. I hope to see a new way to make such a device in two year I guess. A last thing, take time to look at Atmos open source headset, a little rought now but promising!

In AR uses world, you can find many things, much more than I can list. I really like the tribute to John Carpenter’s “They Live” movie! Google seems to be present in many tests and experiments with AR, from culture/education to shopping and industries. If content is the key of AR revolution (as said at AWE 2019) Google could be crowned as AR king in next years 🙂

See you next month !

About AWE 2019

Companies good or bad news …

Hardware and software

Uses, Uses, Uses!


Leading Innovation ++ on the Field ++ with a Purpose | #AugmentedReality #Industry #DataScience #AI #CultivatedMeat #FutureOfFood | PhD Astrophysics
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