The Augmented Reality (almost) weekly — May 2, 2019

Grégory MAUBON

Hello world! Sorry for the delay, the last ARW is one month old … I’m really busy as I’m preparing next Vivatechnology event and I’m running several blogs like RA’pro or Immersive Technologies in Health in addition to my work 🙂 But it’s time to see what news in AR !

First of all, two important events :

In the news, we get our monthly “touch” of Magic Leap with another investment from NTT Docomo. It’s clear now for you? We are not sure about the usefullness of 5G (ok, ok except for realtime robotic surgery ot your next session of Fornite) so telecom giants have to find something to convince us to buy new smartphone and new phone plan. They have chosen AR. Are you convinced?

We see this month many articles about AR in retail. It’s interesting after a really poor NRF2019 event for this topic. I hope it’s not only a sign of a temporary hype, but I think not 🙂 Also interesting, the case of AR use for transmitting expertise and the AR Girls project (look below).

And of course, new questions come with the development of ARclouds, specially questions about data security and privacy. It’s only the beginning !

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