The Augmented Reality (almost) monthly — September 2, 2019

Grégory MAUBON

Leap Motion’s Project North Star

As usual, September means “back to work” for many of us. Let’s look at AR news of this summer!

First of all, we can find more and more AR uses in every domains of our everyday life. And it’s not only the basic 3D model floating over a picture. Applications show their usefulness from health to games, from private use (like L’Oréal) to soldiers training. I hope that work on OpenXR norm will help the ecosystem to continue to grow!

We saw this summer many announces about hardware (new glasses announcements, or rumors as usual for Apple) and fundraising campaigns. It’s good news because it’s means that investors believe in the development of AR market in next 3/5 years, and companies will find fresh money to offer new products. Like for Ario Technologies (industries) and Snap (everyday life), we can hope more and more authoring tools on our market in a very close future. Of course, simpler tools => more AR everywhere! The next step for me? I bet on the Hololens 2 ecosystem growth (as of today!)

Another interesting thing has emerged this summer : questions about ethical uses of AR (and VR to be honest) and how to regulate the Meta/Magic/Multi/AnythingVerse? The balance between dangers and opportunities seems to go to a equilibrium state. A sign of maturity? Yes, I think. Now we have to imagine together about data protection in immersive technologies. Again, the OpenXR and the work of OpenARcloug will be a big help. Yes, I mean : please, support them 🙂

Last thing, if you are in France in September, join me at the first meeting of Laval Virtual Organisation in Paris, September 24!


Leading Innovation ++ on the Field ++ with a Purpose | #AugmentedReality #Industry #DataScience #AI #CultivatedMeat #FutureOfFood | PhD Astrophysics
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