The Augmented Reality (almost) monthly — February, 12 2020

Did you go to the last CES? There were many companies with AR offers, at least half of the exhibitors of AR/VR place (LVCC, South Hall 1). It’s a good ratio, maybe a sign that AR is going to (really) enter the B2B market, not only with games (look below to find the amazing revenues of Niantic!) … But, also, the AR landscape was quite calm, with not many announcements and not really technological revolution. We have seen many manufacturers with interesting parts of optics or electronics, and “new” challengers like Nreal with promising product.

There are other announcements to follow like LYNK helmet of Mojo contact lens (yes, yes, it’s a prototype). Globally, we see that AR applications are more and more useful and more and more integrated to existing apps (like social networks). So, no “AR killer app” in the real world, but ambient augmentation for everyday life.


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