The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest — March 12, 2021

Seniors escape isolation of pandemic with the help of virtual reality

Hello, this is a short summary of my technological watch on this amazing domain of immersive technology in healthcare ! Rendez-vous every mid-month (in french and in english).

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The Patients

USC SMART-VR’s first talk on “VR & Brain Health” features Amir Bozorgzadeh (CEO of Virtuleap) and Jessica Ackerman (Clinical Liaison to XRHealth); co-hosted by Associate Professor & Director of The Pa Laboratory Judy Pa, joined by PhD student Ashwin Sakhare of The Pa Laboratory. The USC SensoriMotor Assessment and Rehabilitation Training…

Lead author, Dr. Alessandro Siani, from the University’s School of Biological Sciences, said: “VR appears to have had a striking and positive impact on people’s mental and physical wellbeing during periods of forced lockdown.”Participants reported that ‘exer-gaming’ using a VR headset resulted in considerably more vigorous physical activity than doing…

A review article on the use of RV in treatment of mental illness. Even if numbers are from the UK, it highlights all benefices for patients and therapists. There is currently a clinical trial taking place across NHS trusts throughout the UK, the largest of its kind, led by the…

When most people think of virtual reality (VR), they think of a gaming technology and big, funny-looking goggles. But VR is so much more than that. When used in the right way, at the right time, VR leverages our power to imagine when we need it the most and can…

A new example of the use of VR to fight loneliness for elder people. As Dr Roger Tabbatt explains, it’s not only a consequence of the actual pandemic but a major change in the care of retired. Recreational therapist Roger Tabbatt began adding virtual reality as a way to not…

The Medical Staff

The Virti technology has been developed since several years but the 2020 pandemic was a real boost in usages sharing. This application was awarded by TIME’s best inventions of 2020. The “virtual patient” uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), speech recognition and “narrative branching” to simulate realistic patient responses in life-like…

When most people think of virtual reality (VR), they think of a gaming technology and big, funny-looking goggles. But VR is so much more than that. When used in the right way, at the right time, VR leverages our power to imagine when we need it the most and can…

L’utilisation de plusieurs modules de formations en accès libre permet aux collaborateurs de tester cette solution sans appréhension et en lien avec les autres modes de formation. À Limoges, c’est grâce à une étroite collaboration avec l’université et le CHU que l’Ehpad des Cinq Sens bénéficie d’un équipement inédit qui…

Les formations en réalité virtuelle utilisées par l’Hôpital de la Baie fournissent un complément indispensable aux formations classiques à un coût raisonnable et en évitant de mobiliser les lieux stratégiques comme les blocs opératoires. Avec l’innovation comme moteur, les équipes de bloc de l’Hôpital Privé de la Baie ont travaillé…

VR has a number of advantages over traditional rehabilitation approaches. First, VR has a high level of ecological validity because of the sensorimotor interaction between the user and the virtual environment, allowing to transfer skills from virtual to real word. Second, the compliance and the satisfaction of the patient when…

The Healthcare Industries and Hospitals

Losses and mistakes within biopharmaceutical processes can be significant, with the potential to cost millions of dollars in lost batches. Process operators can be exposed to anomalous situations which are difficult to train and prepare for in a live, lab-based environment.The National Horizons Centre team, led by Professor Gary Montague…

Abbott chooses VR technology to facilitate the user training on its intracoronary imaging platform. The program is done with Oculus Go device and shows amazing results : learning engagement +45% and knowledge retention +72%. Virtual reality will be incorporated into the training of interventional cardiologists for its optical coherence tomography…

Research and meeting

In this very complete review, authors explain how AR and VR are now mandatory in surgery training and why visual rendering and haptic feedback are the key points of success. The key components for incorporating VR into surgical simulators are visual and haptic rendering. These components ensure that the user…

VR has a number of advantages over traditional rehabilitation approaches. First, VR has a high level of ecological validity because of the sensorimotor interaction between the user and the virtual environment, allowing to transfer skills from virtual to real word. Second, the compliance and the satisfaction of the patient when…

#DIMENSIONSXR2020 : XR for medicine and healthcare 1. Introduction to XR in healthcare (partial)2. XR in Healthcare: Unrivaled Program Implementation & Rollout Strategy3. How Virtual Therapeutics Will Revolutionize Medicine4. Virtual Reality Technology, Machine Learning, Biosensing — Converging to Transform Healthcare Other sessions are available on

“Collateral” news

When it comes to reconstructive and aesthetic procedures, it might prove challenging to visualize the end results on the actual patient. However, with AR technology, patients can see how their appearance changes after a procedure, even before entering the OT. As usual, The Medical Futurist made a very impressive summary…

It’s not the first time that Sanofi explores the IA field to improve some of its process but this new partnership with IA focused lab of the MIT is a clear sign of a more indeep integration of IA technology in healthcare and drug discovery process. The Abdul Latif Jameel…

The virtual patient created by Prof. Dr. Tsai Tsuen-chiuan allows medical student to train in clinical decision making in a very safe way. Founded by Prof. Dr. Tsai Tsuen-chiuan, a pediatrician teaching at Kaohsiung Medical University, and CEO and surgeon Dr. Chen Teh-fang, offers students a robust healthcare education platform…

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