The Augmented Reality (almost) weekly — Special Laval Virtual — March 14, 2019

Grégory MAUBON

Next week, I hope to see you at Laval Virtual in France for the biggest event on professional XR (AR/VR) in Europe! We are waiting more than 10000 attendees on the event and more than 1000 people for conferences cycle (mostly C-level and technical specialists). You will be able to follow 3 “tracks” of conferences (VRticals, TransVRsals and ConVRgence) with 15 different topics and more than 200 speakers!

Join me at Laval Virtual now and use the RA’pro discount price RAPRO-LV19-DP (Discovery pass) ou RAPRO-LV19-FP (Full pass)!

To prepare this event, look at theses short interviews of speakers (in english and french):


Leading Innovation ++ on the Field ++ with a Purpose | #AugmentedReality #Industry #DataScience #AI #CultivatedMeat #FutureOfFood | PhD Astrophysics
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