The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest — October 15, 2019

The Patients

Un tapis de course en RV pour le centre de revalidation de l’UZ Gent

Le centre de revalidation de l’UZ Gent complète son “Smart Space” avec un système de marche incluant un écran immersif pour aider les utilisateurs à entrer dans un monde les encourageant à se déplacer. Plusieurs études ont montré que cette équipement et la motivation qu’il induit, entraine une améliorations des… Read more »

New Study: VR Changes Mood Before Blood Donations

In this article, a study about the impact of VR use on 33 blood donors at the American Red Cross is presented. With only a simple software and a 4 minutes experience with a Oculus Go, authors showed a clear decrease of “needle fear”. The impact on negative feeling is… Read more »

The Medical Staff

Johnson & Johnson wants to bring VR to doctors-in-training worldwide

In her presentation at the last Oculus Connect 6 event, Sandra Humbles explained how the Johnson & Johnson Institute want to increase the use ofOculus Quest in surgery training. In partnership with Osso VR, they have shown the efficiency of virtual training for new surgeons, just one year after the… Read more »

George Washington University Hospital doctors among first to use virtual reality tech for surgeries

At George Washington University Hospital, surgeons use augmented reality tools to prepare surgical operations. With pictures from CT scan for example, they look directly “on the patient” to prepare as accurately as possible future gestures. As explained, this is a great tool to save time before a operation. Rather than… Read more »

Virtual reality, augmented reality can improve surgeons’ training

In this article Justin Barad (CEO of Osso VR) summarizes benefits of AR and VR in the surgeon’s training. He lists, of course, many useful (and up-to-date) examples but you can find also inside the text an interesting reflexion about the future of these technologies. As author explains, immersive technologies… Read more »

Mount Sinai HELPS Center Study Finds Virtual Reality ACLS Simulation Training Effective for Assessing ACLS Competency

In this study conducted at Mount Sinai HELPS Center, authors compare VR and mannequin-based simulations for ACLS (Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support) training. They show that users measured skills in VR is closely correlated with those in classical method (with the mannequin). Even if VR can’t replace the old method, it… Read more »

The Healthcare Industries and Hospitals

Augmented reality : A new frontier in hospital design

For hospitals, like for many other building, augmented reality is a great help to easy the conception step with true users. Architects use it to show how the building will be and to collect users’ opinion. In this article authors gives many illustration of AR and VR uses in this… Read more »

Research and meeting

Virtual Reality Check: Statistical Power, Reported Results, and the Validity of Research on the Psychology of Virtual Reality and Immersive Environments

In this article authors perform a meta-analyse over more than a thousand statistical tests related to uses of VR in psychology. The study is mainly focused on statistical consistency and explore main errors seen in scientific papers. They also talk about “usual” bias in selected samples. The conclusions may seem… Read more »

Augmented reality prototype software for drug molecules developed

Is it efficient to design drugs and to manipulate molecules “with hands”? A team from company Sygnature have done many tests and they have found this method useful for collaborative work. They used Hololens and 3D rendering software to help biochemists to see shapes and structures interactions. Company now works… Read more »

“Collateral” news

Laval Virtual’s VR/AR thematic magazines : Call for contributors in healthcare

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