The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest — January 21, 2020

The Patients

L’application proposée par C2Care a pour but d’habituer le patient à l’environnement du salle de réveil pour diminuer son stress post opératoire. L’expérience sera effectuée avec un casque Oculus et les résultats seront publiés au court de l’année 2020. Source de l’image : C2care La start-up C2Care et l’Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux… Read more »

On the island of Guernsey, patient will test VR soon to fight chronic pains and phobias. VR is a simulated experience that can be similar to, or completely different from the real world. It was first applied in pain management as a distraction tool for burns patients that were having difficult procedures… Read more »

The National Pingtung University in Taiwan develop a very special device of VR to help patients in the rehabilitation period : an horseback riding simulator. Combining immersion and game, the system is very useful to increase patient motivation! In collaboration with Golden Hospital in the southern county of Pingtung, National… Read more »

Cet article de RFI revient sur les utilisations actuelles de la réalité virtuelle dans les procédure d’anesthésie. L’auteur met en particulier en lumière l’entreprise HypnoVR (Strasbourg) qui travaille depuis de nombreuses années sur le sujet. Les effets hypnotiques des images de la réalité virtuelle font l’objet de multiples expérimentations dans… Read more »

In this article, a study from Wayne State University’s Stress, Trauma, and Anxiety Research Clinic is presented. Situational therapy using AR is not new, but here you will find interesting results of a clinical trail (90 participants). Experiment was done with Hololens 1 (Microsoft) glasses and specific applications. Next steps… Read more »

The Medical Staff

Augmedics’ AR system is now approved by the U.S. FDA. According to the company it is the first device certified for guided surgery. The “Xvision Spine system” allows surgeons to place spine implant with a amazing precision and without looking away the patient. The possibility to see “through the skin”… Read more »

La Croix-Rouge française lance le déploiement de plusieurs modules de formations aux soins dont 2 en réalité virtuelle développées par l’entreprise française SimForHealth. L’objectif est de former 10000 étudiants grâce à ses technologies. Cette collection de modules de formation a en effet été développée par SimForHealth avec le soutien de… Read more »

In this article cellular pathologist Laszlo Igali explains how AR and VR would be used to deeply change medicine in a close future. Pathology for example, methods have been revolutionized these 10 previous years, even if the goal is always to “uncover the secrets behind human tissue”. Imaging technologies now… Read more »

The company Osso VR enters the SBIR program of the U.S. Air Force to explore the potential of virtual reality surgical training “on the field”. Osso VR said this week that it has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract by the U.S. Air Force. The first phase… Read more »

A team from Southern Methodist University (SMU) use virtual reality to train surgeons in Zambia. This is a concret use of Virtual Reality Surgery Simulator (VRSS) developed at SMU with the support of the Medical Research Council (UK). This cost effective device is easy to deploy in hospital and surgeons can… Read more »

The Healthcare Industries and Hospitals

Slowly AR enters the medical devices market for training or maintenance purposes. Recently, the AR company NexTech AR Solutions signs a big contract with Sterilis Solutions to use AR technology with these products. AR will be used by Sterilis Solutions sales department to train dealers network. Photo from NexTech AR… Read more »

We can find now several examples of immersive technologies uses in pharmaceutical industry. From marketing to industrial maintenance, formation, vulgarisation, sales, etc. In this paper, you will find some of theses cases and a short analyse about the actual challenges before a even more deep adoption. According to Dr. Suneil… Read more »

Le laboratoire Horus Pharma utilise de la réalité augmentée pour ajouter des informations pertinentes sur ses packaging et informer le mieux possible des utilisateurs. Les équipes de l’entreprise ont utilisé l’application Snappress pour cette réalisation La notice des médicaments ? Compliquée à déchiffrer avec ses caractères en pattes de mouche. Surtout énervante… Read more »

For hospitals, like for many other building, augmented reality is a great help to easy the conception step with true users. Architects use it to show how the building will be and to collect users’ opinion. In this article authors gives many illustration of AR and VR uses in this… Read more »

Thermo Fisher Scientific (an American biotechnology product development company) use now virtual reality to train new employees in the Greenville’s factory. As the factory looks for more than 100 new people, the VR will be used to shorten training time by up to 50%! For the moment, only a room is operational for… Read more »

Research and meeting

In this article from “The Journal of Spine Surgery”, a review of many studies is presented about the use of immersive technologies to train surgeons. Conclusions are very simple : these technologies improve skills BUT in many cases relance is low. The need of big scale study is clear. The… Read more »

It could be the first steps to a functional retinal implant to help people with vision degeneration. We also can imagine more futuristic devices like true augmented reality implants we will use instead of AR glasses. Retinal dystrophies and age-related macular degeneration related to photoreceptor degeneration can cause blindness. In… Read more »

In an article published in the JAMA Cardiology, authors study training in CPR from “Lifesaver VR” application. Even if skills of face-to-face trained people are better than those of VR trained, the use of VR training is a perfect solution to widen the access to CPR training, because of its… Read more »

This study on the effect of a VR headset on young people (under 10 years old) is based on a 50 children. The result shows that one hour use of VR induce not effect (directly or after a period of time). Young children tolerate fully immersive 3D virtual reality game… Read more »

In this article, a team from McMaster University explains results of its latest study about efficiency of VR and AR in teaching anatomy. Immersive technologies in this case don’t help students and, in the contrary, decrease their results! It’s a good reminder that the technology alone can’t solve all problems.… Read more »

“Collateral” news

In this short article, Brainlab presents some applications of AR/VR and so-called “MR” in healthcare. When comparing medical virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality, all three have their own distinct differences and advantages. In terms of future development of 3D visualization and augmented reality for surgery, mixed reality with… Read more »

As unbelievable as it sounds, billions of picture from patient exams are “freely” available today on Internet. The problem is well known and fully documented since year but number of unsecured data files increase years after years. As healthcare digitization process every day, we can imagine how data security is… Read more »

VictoryXR company offers many educational products using virtual reality. Those created with Carolina Biological and focused on dissection are very promising. Teaching anatomy, including the body systems and structure and function, is an integral part of science. But let’s be honest, hands-on dissection isn’t for everyone. Source: Carolina Biological VR… Read more »

We know that VR can help student in psychiatry to better listen patients during their training period. But now, with machine learning algorithms, doctors can better understand patients during their consultation and they less miss important facts. In this article, Peter Foltz (Institute of Cognitive Science of CU Boulder) explains… Read more »

We have many examples on this website of benefices of immersive technologies for plastic reconstruction, reparative surgery or post-traumatic treatments. But there is also a dark side of these uses, especially when it transforms our perception of reality and our perception of our body. Since 2 years, surgeons have seen… Read more »

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