The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest — Decembre 20, 2020

Hello, this is a short summary of my technological watch on this amazing domain of immersive technology in healthcare ! Rendez-vous every mid-month (in french and in english).

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The Patients

In this article, we will find many cases of VR uses in senior living communities. It is not only about physical health because these tools are very adapted to bring “useful” entertainment. Many studies measure benefices of VR tools for elderly people (memory, engagement, physical exercises, feeling of presence, virtuel…

In this short interview Danielle Collins explain how the use of VR has been a extraordinary tool to better understand a very risky brain surgery. With Surgical Theater software, she was “in” her own brain to see the problematic artery. I saw the site of the hemorrhage and could understand…

Le Dr Eric Malbos publie un livre en collaboration avec Rodolphe Oppenheimer, où il partage presque 20 ans d’utilisations des technologies immersives dans les soins liés à la santé mentale. Une approche didactique qui permet à tous de mieux comprendre comment ces technologies peuvent améliorer la vie des patients. Comment…

From brain injuries to schizophrenia to dental procedures to end-of-life care, VR has “an uncanny ability to diminish pain, steady nerves, and boost mental health — all without drugs and their unwanted side effects,” he writes. It may sound far-fetched, but Spiegel has successfully used VR on 3,000 patients.

The Medical Staff

Abbott chooses VR technology to facilitate the user training on its intracoronary imaging platform. The program is done with Oculus Go device and shows amazing results : learning engagement +45% and knowledge retention +72%. Virtual reality will be incorporated into the training of interventional cardiologists for its optical coherence tomography…

“There are several apps that allow anyone who is using VR, particularly in this case blessed elders, to actually partake and getting up, walking around, running, moving,” said Wade. “Actually, many of these apps can be tied to your watch, to track your motions and track your heart rate and…

The team at Pixee Medical created an innovative path to bring the Vuzix M400 Smart Glasses into the operating room to perform knee replacement surgeries and continues to make significant progress in the operating theater across Europe. We look forward to supporting the worldwide distribution of their innovative AR solution,…

This surgery (performed at Reston Hospital Center — USA) has been made with the Xvision AR system from Augmedics company. It allows a less invasive operation with a shorter recovery time. This surgical procedure, also known as decompression, creates space and enlarges the spinal canal to relieve pressure on the spinal…

The results showed there was no difference in navigation times with either ELVIS or EAMS, but the physicians were significantly more accurate with ELVIS, with an error margin of just 2.99 mm, compared to 4.50 mm for EAMS. When translated to cardiac ablation outcomes, 34% of the ablation lesions created…

The Healthcare Industries and Hospitals

The company also stated that COVID-19 has also made it very difficult for SHL to travel and gather for engineering training. With the Vuzix M400 smart glasses, engineering staff can now be trained remotely and provided hands-free setup and guidance for new equipment activations in the field. Finally, on-site visits…

Nanome became the first VR software company to launch an immersive real-time collaboration platform for scientific discovery in 2015. The software environment accelerates scientific decision making by allowing users to visualize, modify, and simulate biological and chemical compounds, facilitating effective communication of data and integrating with existing computational chemistry workflows.…

With this new fund raising, Oncomfort will expand possibilities of “Digital Sedation” product. The company wants also to be more present on the US market. You can note that one of the investors is the swiss Debiopharm, a biopharmaceutical group of companies active in drug development. Oncomfort plans to use the €10…

Maryne Cotty Eslous, fondatrice de Lucine, revient sur les début de l’entreprise et nous explique le long cheminements des thérapies digitales dans le domaine de la santé. La thérapie digitale, aussi appelée DTx, est sur un secteur d’activité qui a 10 ans. On en est aujourd’hui à la troisième génération…

Research and meeting

AR-3D guided surgery is useful for improving the real-time identification of the index lesion and allows changing of the NS approach in approximately one out of three cases, with overall appropriateness of 94.4%. In this article, authors measure the improvement of accuracy in a prostatectomy du to AR guided tool.…

From March 2018 to February 2019, 40 subjects were enrolled, randomized, and completed the study; 19 were randomized to control and 21 to the VR arm. Most baseline characteristics were similar between groups. For the primary outcome, those assigned to the control arm had a statistically significant increase in pain…

The Baylor Scott & White Research Institute (Dallas, USA) will work on a VR simulator to improve hiatal hernia surgery training. This work is supported by the US National Institutes of Health and should go up to the complete validation of the process. It is lead by Dr Ganesh Sankaranarayanan who has…

In this review authors show today results of VR uses in Parkinson disease rehabilitation and emphasize the lack of large studies on this topic. They also give advices for future studies and clinical trials. This Review examines the rationale and evidence for using VR in the assessment and rehabilitation of…

Jefferson Health (Philadelphia, USA) made a short video to explain as clearly as possible what is VR (and why to use it) to patients, before they enter in a VR research study. It is useful to inform the patient (of course) but also help them to understand better the survey…

“Collateral” news

In this discussion, panelists talk about engage patients in virtual care. It is not focused on immersive technologies but question are close. Panelists talk about experiences “on the field” where each patient is unique and where many issues come from technical points. How to give right device to the right…

In this article, author explain why it’s interesting to “gamify” some parts of health domain and how digitalisation of this sector could benefit of it. From treatment to research, games and games functionalities are powerful tools to help patients. Of course, developers of health apps also made use of gamified…

La présentation de cette intervention à distance met l’accent sur la faible latence apportée par la technologie 5G et ses possibilités dans les futures interventions. L’article précise toutefois qu’il faudra encore un peu de temps pour que cette possibilité devienne courante. L’intervention avait ainsi été réalisée sur place par un…

To reduce preventable medical errors, an AI assistance to surgeons is more realistic than a wide spread of robotic surgery. In this article (and the associated paper) authors share some tips to make this assistance real today. The paper’s authors propose AI as an effective augmentation tool to enhance in…

Moxi is designed to reduce nurse workloads by handling tasks like collecting supplies, gathering soiled linens, and delivering fresh ones, and it’s coming to market during the COVID-19 crisis, when nurses are in short supply. In addition to tackling mundane aspects of the job, the robot can also help reduce…


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