The (uncomplete) Immersive Technology in Healthcare digest — April 7, 2020

The Patients

Augmented Reality puts fun into Neofect’s latest therapy device

In they new devices, Neofect has implemented augmented reality effects to stimulate patients and made rehabilitation process more fun. Smart Balance aims to turn what can be a monotonous process into fun and engaging exercise. It features 16 rehabilitation games that emphasize core strength, restabilization and balance, all with the… Read more »

How VR Is Helping Visually Impaired Patients Regain Close To Normal Levels Of Sight

SightPlus, a product from GiveVision , allows patients with sight loss to significantly improve their sight. A study from Moorfields Eye Hospital shows impressive results with more than ” 98% of patients saw their vision improve by an average of six lines on a sight test chart when they used… Read more »

Alcove on Oculus Go

Alcove is an application available for free on Oculus Go. It’s not exactly a health application but it’s easy to imagine uses for wellness, meditation or simply encourage relationship between different people, for example for link with elders ones. Enter your family corner in VR, and bring your dear ones… Read more »

Expérimentation inédite dans la Nièvre : la réalité augmentée pour améliorer la vie des déficients mentaux

Le laboratoire de recherche et d’étude sur le mouvement de Nevers lance avec le foyer de Saint-Andelain une étude sur l’impact de l’utilisation de la réalité augmentée sur la plasticité cérébrale. Plusieurs personnes ayant des déficiences mentales vont s’entrainer pendant plusieurs mois avec une paire de lunettes Hololens de Microsoft… Read more »

Virtual realities: research reveals promising intervention in cancer treatment

In the Journal of Cellular Physiology, a team of Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine presented a study where VR is very efficient for stress prevention. The study was done on almost 100 women and results show significant decrease of anxiety level. Innovative research led by Temple College of… Read more »

The Medical Staff

CHS pilots VR program to improve clinical leadership

The “HealthStream Resuscitation Innovation Lab” is a pilot program from Community Health Systems to train medical to face code blue emergencies (cardiac arrests). The goal is to improve leadership capabilities thanks to virtual environments. Participants wearing VR headsets will be tasked with leading a virtual clinical team through the process… Read more »

Simulation médicale : dans la peau du chirurgien

Revinax développe depuis plusieurs années un écosystème d’outils au service des chirurgiens, à la fois pour les aider dans les étapes de formation et dans celles propres aux opérations. Comme le précise son cofondateur, Maxime Ros, l’objectif n’est pas de remplacer le praticien mais de lui donner toutes les informations… Read more »

Virtual Patient Project Aims To Develop Smarter Medical Students

This is a very exiting project, leaded by a research team from University of Texas at Dallas and support by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). It’s about the use of virtual interactions to improve medical students communication skills. The team develops a virtual patient, called Walter with… Read more »

UK drugs regulator uses VR to train staff on GMP standards

MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) test VR training solutions to validate future uses in industries. These solutions will be used to train people in sterilisation and GMP setting. It will be also useful to better understand the purpose of MHRA inspection. It is very interesting to see these… Read more »

InSimo crée des patients virtuels pour apprendre les gestes chirurgicaux

Le produit présenté par la société permet aux étudiants de s’entraîner dans des conditions proches du réel puisque les sensations haptiques sont rendues grâce à un bras à retour de force. C’est un nouveau produit de formation allant dans la philosophie “jamais la première fois sur le patient”. Dans le… Read more »

The Healthcare Industries and Hospitals

Oxford VR Therapy Platform Lands £10 Million In Investment

Oxford VR, founded in 2017 offers services in VR therapy against fear of heights and social anxiety. The company, which span out of Oxford University’s Department of Psychiatry in 2017, raised the money in a Series A round of funding led by Optum Ventures. According to a press release, the… Read more »

Health Scholars, the Virtual Reality Healthcare Training Platform, Raises $17M in Series B funding

With this new round of fundraising , Health Scholars wants to improve quality and quantity of training modules. They also will be able to increase the number of hospital partnerships. Health Scholars, known for their VR simulations and cloud-based training platform utilized for management, delivery, and analysis of clinical training,… Read more »

Medical training startup Touch Surgery secures $70m in debt funding just before acquisition by Medtronic

British startup Touch Surgery has borrowed $70 million to fund its training technology for doctors, according to the Telegraph.The newspaper reported that Touch Surgery arranged the loan in October last year, after having previously raised $19.5 million from the Silicon Valley venture capital fund 8VC. Source: Medical training startup Touch Surgery… Read more »

Marseille : quand la réalité virtuelle permet de faire découvrir les métiers de la santé

Une coopération inédite entre plusieurs acteurs de l’emploi qui ont décidé d’utiliser la réalité virtuelle pour faire découvrir de l’intérieur les multiples métiers de la santé. Pour y arriver, le Cité a innové en ce début d’année en misant notamment sur… le jeu et les nouvelles technologies ! Casques à réalité… Read more »

Research and meeting

Expérimentation inédite dans la Nièvre : la réalité augmentée pour améliorer la vie des déficients mentaux

Le laboratoire de recherche et d’étude sur le mouvement de Nevers lance avec le foyer de Saint-Andelain une étude sur l’impact de l’utilisation de la réalité augmentée sur la plasticité cérébrale. Plusieurs personnes ayant des déficiences mentales vont s’entrainer pendant plusieurs mois avec une paire de lunettes Hololens de Microsoft… Read more »

Virtual reality reduces leg muscle pain during high intensity cycling

A team of the University of Georgia shown that VR has a real impact on the feeling of pain in a intense exercise. It could be very useful for professional sportspeople and several cases of re-education. “This is one of the first studies to demonstrate the ability of VR to… Read more »

“Collateral” news

L’Institut Curie et Swiss Life veulent prédire l’efficacité de l’immunothérapie contre le cancer grâce à l’IA

Les deux partenaires lancent un challenge pour aider à la sélection des meilleurs traitements et ainsi améliorer le pronostic vital des malades. Le traitement du cancer évolue régulièrement grâce au développement de nouveaux traitements, mais chaque patient répond différemment aux thérapies. C’est en partant de ce constat que l’assureur Swiss… Read more »

The digital future of the healthcare industry

Look at this travel in the close future for healthcare, done by authors from the “NHS Long Term Plan” (UK). Revolutions? By 2030, artificial intelligence (AI) will be used to help clinicians in applying best practice and supporting patients in managing their health and condition. Predictive techniques will be used… Read more »

The devices, software and other health tech headlines of CES 2020

In this article, author lists many connected devices presented at the last CES. Always between health and wellness, these products will easy everyday life (we hope!) but also highlight the problem of personal data. CES is back again with scores of new consumer tech products in tow, and digital health… Read more »

Insilico collaborates with Pfizer on novel data and AI system for target discovery

The last collaboration of the famous Insilico Medicine Hong Kong company is the Pfizer laboratories. After a very busy year 2019 with publications in Nature Biotechnology and more than 35 millions dollars rond, the company increase partnership in the pharmaceutical domain. His patented technology is focused on the use of… Read more »

5G is here: how health systems can capitalize on the new cellular standard

In this interview of Clint Cetti (global director of strategy and innovation at AT&T) tals about the uses of 5G and “edge computing” in the context of health. Many things is presented in the text but one of the most interesting is the evolution of the “hospital”. This place will… Read more »

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